Contact Us

St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church

4536 Philip Ave

Dallas, TX 75223

(214) 824-3798

Or use our contact form.




Sunday School: 8:30 am


Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.

Prayer Service Teleconference on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm.


Conference Number:


Access code 343119

About Us

In the summer of 1903, the idea of organizing the Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Church was conceived in the mind of religious leaders of the city of Dallas. These leaders felt that the people of the east Dallas area and community needed another place of worship to meet the needs of the growing Christian fellowship.

Under the leadership of Rev. C.L. McPherson- Pastor, St John Baptist Church, Rev. A.S. Jackson- Pastor, New Hope Baptist Church, Rev. Z.T. Partee- Pastor, Macedonia (now Good Street) Baptist Church, and Rev. S.G. Gates- Pastor, Munger Ave. Baptist Church- the St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church was formed.

Early in
 1917, the initial structure, a 20' by 30' box, was updated with the building of a wood frame church. It was complete with a Baptismal Pool and a bell tower that could be heard throughout the neighborhood. The church membership grew under the leadership of several dedicated ministers. One of which was Rev. L.D. Bell.

In 1954, Under the pastorage of Rev. A.D. McGraw, a brick building was built. After 4 1/2 years of service, Rev. was called to pastor in Ennis, TX. Rev. E.W. Thomas became pastor after Rev. McGraw.

 1962 Rev. C.A. Wilson was called to pastor. During his ministry the church was completely destroyed by fire. The church held to their faith and trusted int he Lord. during the period of restoration, Roe's Chapel Baptist Church- Rev. J.D. Olgetree opened their doors to us for service. In nine months the church was rebuilt. Classrooms were added and a Hammond organ was purchased. In 1969 Rev. Wilson accepted a calling to his home city of Fort Worth, TX.

In 1970, Rev. Charles Reed became pastor. During his pastorage, two adjoining lots were purchased and all the church's debts were paid in full.

In July,
 1984, Rev Allen G. Madison II accepted the call to pastor. Again the Lord smiled on us. Under the leadership of Pastor Madison the congregation continues to increase in membership. During this time an additional eight lots were purchased, a church bus, and outreach and educational ministries were implemented.

 1995, a complete renovation of the existing sanctuary was completed. During this time a concerted effort was initiated to complete the purchase of the surrounding lots on Philip and Bank Streets. the Lord had given the pastor the vision to build a Family Life Center to meet the spiritual and educational needs of the congregation. Through persistent prayer and the untiring efforts of the pastor, trustees, deacons, and building committee, the majority of the land was secured to pursue Phase I of the building plan. Also during this time new ministries were added.

The start of the 2000 decade challenged our congregation to begin construction of the Family Life & Educational Facility. Through God's grace, the construction of the Family Life Center & Educational Center began in December,
 2002. When the facility was completed, it had 10 classrooms, a fellowship hall, a conference room, and a commercial kitchen.

In August
 2004, the St Mark Education Center was dedicated. The 7,000 sq.ft. facility has been utilized to serve the church family as well as the community in various activities and functions since opening it's doors.

St. Mark has been an active member of the Galilee Griggs Memorial District association of Baptist Churches for a number of years. In
 2006 the church also became a member of the Southern Baptist Convention to utilize their resources in the training of our Leadership Team.

Though much has been accomplished through this ministry, there is more that the Saint Mark family has yet to complete. Let us continue to pray that God will allow His grace and mercy to bless us so that we may continue to be a blessing.

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© St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church